High expectations imply utter happiness and bitter disappointment. May we all have both in our lives!

sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2008


Iar un mic intermezzo poetic, pentru completa plictisire a publicului meu fidel:))

(cu alte cuvinte, inca un post pentru mine)

Imi place foarte mult poemul asta. E scris de un poet irlandez, Brendan Kennelly si tradus de Mircea Dinescu

We are living (Traim)

What is this room (Ce altceva e aceasta camera)
But the moments we have lived in it? (Daca nu momentele pe care le-am trait in ea?)
When all due has been paid (Cand am dat obolul)
To gods of wood and stone (Zeilor de piatra si lemn)
And recognition has been made (Si am terminat cercetarea)
Of those who'll breathe here when we are gone (Celor ce vor respira aici in lipsa noastra)
Does it not take its worth from us (Oare nu de la noi si-a luat valoarea)
Who made it because we were here (Creata de faptul ca am fost aici?)

Your words are the only furniture I can remember (Cuvintele tale sunt singura mobila de care-mi amintesc)
Your body the book that told me most. (Corpul tau-cartea care mi-a vorbit cel mai mult.)
If this room has a ghost(Daca aceasta camera are un spirit)
It will be your laughter in the frank dark (Acela va fi rasul tau in intunericul sincer)
Revealing the world as a room (Dezvaluind lumea precum o camera)
Loved only for those moments when (Indragita doar pentru momentele cand)
We touched the purely human.(Am atins cu degetele omenescul pur.)

I could give water now to thirsty plants (Le-as putea da acum apa plantelor insetate)
Dig up the floorboards, the foundation (Rascolind lemnul dusumelelor, temelia casei)
Study the worm's confidence (As putea studia increderea viermelui,)
Challenge his omnipotence (Punandu-i la incercare omnipotenta)
Because my blind eyes have seen through walls (Deoarece ochii mei orbi au vazut prin peretii)
That make safe prisons of the days (Care transforma zilele in inchisori sigure)

We are living (Traim)
In ceiling, floor and windows (In tavan, in podea si ferestre)
We are given to where we have been (Suntem redati locului in care am fost odinioara)
The white door will always open (Aceasta usa alba se va deschide intotdeauna)
On what our hands have touched (Spre ceea ce mainile noastre au atins,)
Our eyes have seen. (Si ochii nostri au vazut.)

Probabil ca doar pentru mine conexiunea asta are sens, dar mi s-a parut ca pot asocia poezia cu piesa asta, Decode

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