This is the place where I gather things and thoughts that I like or like to write about. It's like my own treasure trove. Or the box where we used to keep all our valuables as kids: our tin men, watches, bird feathers and other such 'collectibles'. Maybe this or that bit of them is "so gay" or crappy, but there is something in them that always has a meaning to me. Chances are that they do not mean much to others, so feel free to criticize. And I will keep gathering them like a hamster, groundhog or whatever animal you may think of that keeps collecting stuff.
Here's one of my latest findings (by referral from a friend). Though sad and utterly sappy to some, I think it's still nicely put (in words and images)
Kate Nash - The nicest thing
2 comentarii:
Mulţumesc pentru video, it's the nicest thing I've seen lately. :)
Ma bucur ca ti-a placut. Ma gandeam eu ca macar un om va fi pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu mine! Get well soon!
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